Nursery in Poipet
Guardería de dos aulas, con una sala para profesores, aseos, cocina y patio en Poipet.
Two-classroom kindergarten, with a staff room, toilets, kitchen and playground.
Poipet is a border town in the north-west of Cambodia, on the Thai border. Due to the number of casinos being built in the town, it attracts a lot of immigration from rural Cambodia. But options for them are scarce.
Unemployment leads to an increase in child beggars and regularly missing school, child prostitution or abandonment because their parents go to Thailand to work.
Project Description
The two-classroom kindergarten in Poipet has a staff room, toilets, kitchen and playground. In this kindergarten 83 children between the ages of 3-6 years are taught. In addition to academic education, the children are taught programmes in hygiene, agriculture, nutrition, etc.
In an area where 70% of the children do not go to school, while these children receive education, they receive family support, they interact with other children, they have three meals a day, they are kept away from the dangers of the city and above all, after completing the kindergarten years, they have access to the Don Bosco School to continue with their primary school education.
13.659702, 102.607845

Mica Sánchez: “Our concern was how and where to get funding for the construction of a simple building to carry out the Project.
Then one day, Javier Murúa arrived at our mission almost by surprise. He was looking for a project to fund... We described the nursery to him. He loved the idea! He even suggested some improvements and... from then on everything was easy and even lovely. It was a dream come true. Two classrooms, kitchen, bathrooms and office...
Once again we are very grateful for this help from the MAGA FOUNDATION that not only initiated the Project but also continues to visit us and help us to maintain it”.